Below are some of the most common questions we get asked. Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions not listed.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Santa's Helpers Foundation is a 501(3)c registered public charity and as such, donations are considered to be tax deductible. Each individuals own tax liability may differ, so perspective donors should consult a tax professional for advice.
who can request a toy donation?
Any family residing in California, Pennsylvania, or Utah, who is struggling financially. Please visit our Holiday Donation Program page for more details.
if my family is approved for a toy donation, when will i know?
Approval times vary, depending on the time needed to secure gifts for each family. Once your family has been approved to receive a toy donation from Santa's Helpers Foundation, you will receive an email confirmation. The email will give further details on what to expect from Santa's Helpers and may ask for more information from you.
how do i donate?
Santa's Helpers Foundation accepts both monetary and in-kind donations of all sizes. We rely on the generosity of the community to continue our work. Please visit our Donate page for more details.
Where does my donation go?
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we rely on donations and grants to support our organizations mission. We are operated by volunteer staff which allows 100% of our resources to go towards our programs and operating expenses.
where can i find more information about SHF?
Please check our website frequently for updates and subscribe to our mailing list. Additional information can be found on our Who We Are page.
other questions?
Please feel free to contact us directly if you have a question that is not listed on this page. We encourage the community to reach out to us at 925-956-3636. We are more than happy to chat and help any way we can.